Three easy ways to help your student:
READING! Even though Covid learning cause a pretty substantial drop in reading skills, spending just 20 minutes a day can make a huge difference in reading and vocabulary skills. Visit the library, book-share with friends and spend some intentional time reading together.
WRITING! Have your students practice writing the grocery list, directions to a vacation spot, even finding a pen pal and writing good old fashioned letters! Writing in a journal is always a good idea too.
GAMES! Does your family love card games? Logic games or puzzles help keep processing skills sharp. What are some of your favorite games? Car Bingo is fun and so are hidden words or picture books. There are so many options - perhaps a game night with a fun dinner would be possible. Mix it up and encourage your students to pick their favorites and spend time playing together.
What do you love to get your students involved in? Share your ideas and I’ll add them to this list!