The Inspired Performance Program (TIPP) for Kids
Other solutions just teach you to live, manage, and cope with your challenges.
We help you eliminate them and live a better life with our patented, neuroscience-backed program!
TIPP is a 4 hour training with follow up 8-minute audio exercises for 30 days to re-code new neural pathways that create lasting change.
The Man Behind TIPP
Don Wood, a PhD in clinical counseling, author and the founder of Inspired Performance Institute, helps people reframe their trauma and get their lives to a place of high performance.
After spending years researching how trauma affects our minds and our lives, Dr. Wood found that events and experiences throughout our lifetime continue to play a role in how we experience life in the present.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)
1 in 6 Children experience four or more types of ACE’s
5 of 10 5 of the top 10 leading cause of death are associated with ACE’s
44% Preventing ACE’s could reduce the number of children with depression by as much as 44%
ACE’s can affect student learning and behavior in the classroom. Children with three or more ACEs are 5x more likely to have attendance issues, 6x more likely to have behavior problem, and 3x more likely to experience academic failure.
When your kids go through the program, they will eliminate depression, anxiety, the effects of trauma with this life-changing program.
When you purchase your Facilitated Digital Program, you'll get:
Personalized walk through with your Poulsbo Tutoring - Center of Excellence facilitator
Instant access to the Digital 30-Day TIPP Program, guided by Dr Wood
30-day brain retraining audio program, designed to reboot your mind, change old thinking patterns and bring you peace and clarity
Monthly exclusive masterclass LIVE with Dr Wood
Lifetime access to community that cares: The Inspired Inner Circle
BONUS: Fitness Audio Series - additional brain training designed to bring you calm and joy
90-day access to the TIPP Digital content so you can go back through it anytime.
TIPP for Kids
The Inspired Performance Program (For Kids)
For a child to develop skills such as crawling, walking and talking, the brain must develop millions of new cells, with each individual cell connecting with thousands of other cells during this development stage. The ability of a child’s brain to change is hugely beneficial, as it allows development to occur at an incredibly fast pace. However, to do this, the young brain must be free of stress from their environment and free from stress from previous events and experiences.
Here’s the good news/bad news in this scenario. As well as increasing the child’s brain to learn, this heightened sensitivity increases the vulnerability of the brain to respond to stressful or traumatic events. Here’s some more good news!
These stressful events and traumas can be healed using the Inspired Performance’s program TIPP.
Therefore, allowing the child’s brain to become resilient in the future.