When do I prepare for the SAT or ACT?
Our 8 week program created just for you!
When families call us about prep work, usually the first question is when do I need to start!
We follow this basic 10 step plan with each student - typically 3 months ahead of the test date:
Take a full length practice test (we can give you one for FREE) to help determine if the SAT or the ACT is your BEST test option.
Review your score results with us.
Select your test date and get registered to sit the test.
Create your specific prep plan based on YOUR results - typcially 6-8 weeks long!
START your work with our expert prep team with weekly sessions.
Take your official SAT or ACT!
Report your scores back to us when they are released.
Consider a 2nd test date, and study on the sections you want to improve with some refresher sessions.
Take your official test again!
🎉 CELEBRATE…. hopefully you’ve met your goal scores and are good to go!