Is Tutoring a quick fix?

“So, you work with students for a couple of months and then they’re gone, right?”

“No!” I say

“I mean, maybe…. but very rarely.”

The question wasn’t a surprise to me, but this guy was floored by our answer!

Most of the time our students start with us thinking it’ll just be for a few months. One day we look up and we’re celebrating their 6th year with us! We’ve become a part of the family and are involved in their lives in important and valuable ways.

“Really?” he says

“Yes.. 99% of the time it is a long term answer for the family.”

When a family calls us to discuss the possibility of tutoring, they often come with their own ideas around what it means to “hire a tutor.” Often misconceptions are shared and I get the opportunity to share why we are a long term solution to what appears to be a short term concern.

One of the recent google reviews we received brought me to tears! The family articulated exactly what I’m talking about READ IT HERE

There is often so much at the table of a tutoring session. There sure was for the boy in the review!

The academic subject is just ONE piece of that.

I’m curious, what may be in the way of your student’s learning?

A medical diagnosis

A learning disability

A death in the family? Divorce? Multi households?

Social worries - bullying?

Anxiety or depression?

The list can go on and on - and must be considered when students are coming to us for support.

Our warm presence with each student provides safety and allows for regulation - which then allows learning. So many students arrive in “fight or flight” mode - and learning takes a back seat to what the brain perceives as a threat.

Families who’ve been with us a long time talk about the value of having a consistent, positive and encouraging place (or person) in their students lives. Like a coach! Mentoring and encouraging all year long. It becomes a non-negotiable part of the budget. Their students don’t want it to end (talk about a complement) and the support goes on and on. They may change subjects as needed, but the relationship we’ve been building lasts a long time.

The long term relationship is part of the solution - not just the algebra test they originally came to get prepared for.

The '“weights” a student carries with them require the tutor to be intuitive and discerning. Its one of the reasons we don’t hire peer tutors. A peer tutor relationship can get the content covered, but often can miss the bigger nuances of what the student is truly struggling with.

Our team excels at “seeing” the student, giving identity and validation to who they are. We “hear” what they are not asking out loud - and respond thoughtfully with kindness and a generous heart.

What do you think are the concerns your student is carrying along with their homework loaded in their backpack?

Sometimes a student will tell us - no one listens to me. Everyone is too busy for me. I know they love me, but there’s not time to talk. I’m always in trouble, or falling behind. All they care about are my grades in the online grade book.

I am encouraging you to listen well to your students words.

What are they trying to tell you?

Is there something you may be missing?

SUGGESTION: Intentionally put aside some time for just you and them. They need the calm and regulated adults in their lives more than ever before.


What does Executive Function support look like?


Homework Checklist